runstatus module

Checks all environment (configuration) variables ending with _RUN or _OK and process each of it. for each such variable, (for example apache_RUN), first part is considered as name. Specified program with arguments is executed.

For *_RUN variables program exit code is used as value for numerical indicator. (exit code 0 is considered successful, any other exit code is considered as failure). If new indicator created, it will have numerical type with minline=0 and maxlim=0.

For *_OK variables exit code 0 is considered as ‘OK’ and any other code considered as ‘ERR’ status for heartbeat indicator.

If program writes anything to stderr first line of stderr is used as indicator details. If nothing in stderr, first line of stdout is used as details.



Will create numerical indicator PREFIX:true and indicator will be OK always (unless /bin/true binary will be deleted).

Almost similar, but _OK instead of _RUN:


Will create heartbeat indicator PREFIX:true.


Will create indicator prefix:uptimestring, always OK, details will be output of uptime program

google_RUN = curl --silent --head --fail --output /dev/null

Will try to fetch this page, if case of any problems (domain expired, no hostname, server is down, page is not found) will return non-zero code, indicator will switch to ERR and send alert.

Using runstatus as proxy

You can write simple monitoring programs to be used with runline. Program should exit with code 0 to have indicator as OK, or any other code for ERR status. First line of output will be set to details.

This is example of extremely logical indicator program ( /tmp/ ):


if (( RANDOM % 2 ))
	echo "I am happy!"
	echo "I am NOT happy!"
	exit 1

If you will run it few times you will get output similar to this:

$ /tmp/ ; echo $?
I am NOT happy!
$ /tmp/ ; echo $?
I am happy!

Now, you can use it in runstatus:

girl_RUN = /tmp/

Indicator will switch status OK/ERR depending on girl happines.

See also

See also runline module.